Social Impact Assessment

Thursday June 3rd, 2021

Bincang Buku 39 – Suara sunyi, Suara Hati

Suara sunyi, Suara Hati   —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Desa Manding, Pinoh Utara, Kabupaten Melawi, 22.01.2020 #BincangBuku #39 “There is a love no one remembers.” —Jon Fosse, penyair, sastrawan, Norwegia dikutip dari Erling Kagge. “Silence.” 2017. “The silence that lives in the grass on the underside of each blade and in the […]
Friday May 28th, 2021

Bincang Buku 38 – Kolonisasi Data, Ekstraksi Kehidupan dan Kolonialisme tahap ketiga

Kolonisasi Data, Ekstraksi Kehidupan dan Kolonialisme tahap ketiga —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Rimbo Bujang, Jambi Nanga Pinoh, Kalbar, 20012020 #BincangBuku #38 “Without big data, you are blind and deaf and in the middle of a freeway.”  – Geoffrey Moore    “Capitalism has always sought to reject limits to its expansion, such as […]
Wednesday May 26th, 2021

Bincang Buku 37 – Mencari dan Merawat Kebahagiaan Cara Denmark

Mencari dan Merawat Kebahagiaan Cara Denmark —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Cilimus, Caracas, Kab. Kuningan 11.01.2020 #BincangBuku #37 “An unshared happiness is not happiness.” —Boris Pasternak, Sastrawan, Pemenang Nobel Bidang Sastra, 1958. “Junk mail is the mail that gives me the greatest pleasure in the world, because I know immediately what to […]
Thursday May 20th, 2021

Bincang Buku 36 – Menyerap Pelajaran Melalui Blame Game

Menyerap Pelajaran Melalui Blame Game —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Bogor, 03.01.2020 #BincangBuku #36 “At all costs try to avoid granting yourself the status of the victim . . . No matter how abominable your condition may be, try not to blame anything or anybody.” (Bagaimanapun caranya, cobalah untuk tidak menjadikan dirimu […]