Tuesday June 30th, 2020

QnA Session HCV Management and Monitoring Series: Wildlife Monitoring in HCV Area

Dalam setiap hasil akhir dari identifikasi area HCV pasti merumuskan tindak lanjut berupa pengamatan dan pengelolaan area HCV. Ada 6 aspek yang harus dijaga dan dikelola kelestariannya agar tetap berfungsi dengan baik dalam memenuhi kebutuhan makhluk hidup di sekitar.
Monday June 29th, 2020

How to Encourage Sustainable Consumption in Community

Now there’s a portion of food on your plate. Rice, fish, maybe an egg, and veggies. You also happened to have side dishes; rice cracker and chili sauce. Let’s take a look. Where does the rice come from? The local farmer or imported from Thailand/Vietnam?