Saturday March 20th, 2021

Bincang Buku 25 – Inilah Cara Curangi Pemilu dan Tetap ‘Demokratis’

Inilah Cara Curangi Pemilu dan Tetap ‘Demokratis’ —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Cirebon, 31052019 #BincangBuku #25 “… is striking that Shakespeare does not envisage the tyrant’s climactic accession to the throne as the direct result of violence. Instead, it is the consequence of an election. To solicit a popular mandate, Richard conducts […]
Monday March 15th, 2021

Bincang Buku 24 – Bisakah Memelihara Demokrasi dengan Kekerasan?

Bisakah Memelihara Demokrasi dengan Kekerasan? —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Bogor, 26052019 #BincangBuku #24 Civility [from civil] . . . Freedom from barbarity; the state of being civilised . . . Politeness; complaisance; elegance of Behaviour . . . Rule of decency; practice of politeness . . . -Samuel Johnson (1786)- “A […]
Wednesday March 10th, 2021

Sustainability 17A #38 – Rame-rame Menaklukkan Armageddon Laut

Saat yang paling mengharukan ini terjadi di laut perbatasan antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Nelayan lokal seperti biasa pergi melaut. Dari pagi hingga menjelang matahari beranjak tinggi.