Friday June 18th, 2021

Bincang Buku 43 – Tidak Ada Demokrasi, Hanya Imajinasi 

Tidak Ada Demokrasi, Hanya Imajinasi  —Dwi R. Muhtaman—  Bogor, 30.05.2020 #BincangBuku #43 “Democracy, as we’ve seen, is a deceptively simple concept that requires a robust set of supports to enact.” “Plato’s warning about democracy devolving into tyranny rings chillingly prophetic. The promise of self-rule risks becoming not a promise but […]
Tuesday June 15th, 2021

Bincang Buku 42 – “Democratic Voucher,” Melawan Korupsi Demokrasi

“Democratic Voucher,” Melawan Korupsi Demokrasi —Dwi R. Muhtaman—  Bogor, 27.05.2020 #BincangBuku #42 “Democracy is a messy concept.” “Democracy as a system in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people’s vote” (Joseph Schumpeter). —RICHARD S. KATZ AND PETER MAIR: Democracy and the […]
Friday June 11th, 2021

Bincang Buku 41 – Contemplative Computing:  Cara Melawan Ketagihan Distraksi

Contemplative Computing:  Cara Melawan Ketagihan Distraksi —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Bogor-Nanga Pinoh, Melawi, 23.01.2020 Bogor, 25.05.2020 #BincangBuku #41 —bagian 1 dari 2 tulisan— “Connection is inevitable. Distraction is a choice.” —ALEX SOOJUNG-KIM PANG. “The Distraction Addiction: Getting the Information You Need and the Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying […]
Friday June 11th, 2021

Halaman DRM #2 – Hello World

Pada suatu pagi Joy Buolamwini penasaran.  Dia menemukan sesuatu yang ganjil.  Aplikasi face recognition (pengenalan wajah) yang dipasang di kamera dan bertengger di atas monitor komputernya tidak mempu mendeteksi wajahnya.