Thursday January 5th, 2023

Bincang Buku 46- Akankah Kapitalisme Menelan Demokrasi?

Akankah Kapitalisme Menelan Demokrasi? —Dwi R. Muhtaman— Bogor-Cirebon, 05.08.2020 #BincangBuku #46 “Democracy, national sovereignty and global economic integration are mutually incompatible.” — DANI RODRIK “Globalization is a new word which describes an old process: the integration of the global economy that began in earnest with the launch of the European […]
Thursday June 24th, 2021

Bincang Buku 45 – Pandemi Korupsi: Mengungkap Penghianatan Kepentingan publik

Pandemi Korupsi: Mengungkap Penghianatan Kepentingan publik  —Dwi R. Muhtaman—  Bogor, 10.06.2020 #BincangBuku #45 To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Therefore, I cannot and will not recant. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me, amen. —From the movie Martin Luther (1953) Were a biological […]
Monday June 21st, 2021

Bincang Buku 44 – Bersepeda Mengubah Dunia 

Bersepeda Mengubah Dunia  —Dwi R. Muhtaman—  Bogor, 03.06.2020 #BincangBuku #44 “If you want to change the world, you can start by building a bike lane.” — Janette Sadik-Khan, New York City Transportation Commissioner (2007—2013) Cycling contributes to livable cities, efficient urban transport, less congestion, less traffic noise, healthy physical activity, […]
Friday June 18th, 2021

Bincang Buku 43 – Tidak Ada Demokrasi, Hanya Imajinasi 

Tidak Ada Demokrasi, Hanya Imajinasi  —Dwi R. Muhtaman—  Bogor, 30.05.2020 #BincangBuku #43 “Democracy, as we’ve seen, is a deceptively simple concept that requires a robust set of supports to enact.” “Plato’s warning about democracy devolving into tyranny rings chillingly prophetic. The promise of self-rule risks becoming not a promise but […]