Re.Mark Asia focuses on business activities in relation to consultancy services, certification, verification and inspection. Services cover sectors such as forestry, agriculture, mining and other new developing sectors.
Consultancy services include identification of high conservation values (HCV), social impact assessment (SIA), social environmental impact assessment (SEIA), social and environmental dual dilligent, certification support initiative (CSI) which serves certification systems such as FSC, PEFC, RSPO, ISPO, ISCC, Carbon Accountancy/GHG Calculation and organic. Technical support for companies to achieve such standards, as well conducting sustainability audits and reportings are also covered. Certification services involve audit services for quality management system certifications (ISO 9001), environmental management systems (ISO 14001), occupational health and safety management systems (OHSAS), food safety management systems (ISO 22000/HACCP) and other existing ISO management systems. Additionally, services also cover certification processes related to sustainable natural resource management systems such as the sustainable forest management, chain of custody (CoC) and timber legality verification system (SVLK) using standards from FSC, PEFC, LEI and the Ministry of Forestry’s mandatory PHPL as well as sustainable palm oil using RSPO, ISPO and ISCC standards.
For certification services, Re.Mark Asia collaborates with an accredited certification body. For ISCC and RSPO certification, Re.Mark Asia partners with agroVet, Austria. For forestry related and ISPO certification, Re.Mark Asia partners with TUV Rheinland Indonesia. For organic certification, Re.Mark Asia partners with Ceres, Germany.
Re.Mark Asia also provide services which involve inspections and evaluations on factories or certain facilities within factories, as well as products, to ensure they have fulfilled certain standards. Other services include third party verification which involve professional and credible independent bodies to verify the work of clients who are required to do so by their customers, NGOs, government and others by utilising certain standards or criteria.
As an important part of achieving sustainability in companies, Re.Mark Asia also conduct in-house or public workshops/training.