It’s been 35 days since Indonesian government suggest us to stay at home during the outbreak. Most of us, especially Remarkers have been working from home for more than 30 days by now. But that doesn’t mean we stop doing the things that we could, we just have to turned it the other way around.
Amidst the outbreak, HCS Approach released two new modules; Module 2 Social Requirements revise version from Module 2 in Toolkit 2.0, and its Implementation Guidance.
Therefore, AiKnow (Asia Institute of Knowledge) a training provider of Remark Asia which schedules were canceled due to physical distancing order, create an online discussion on this subject. Never let any plague stop us from learning and sharing knowledge. The schedules may canceled, but it won’t canceled the spirit that we have to gather like-minded people to share and update the knowledge of our professional basis.
So, here we go., 30 people from all kind of background; companies (PT SMART Tbk, KLK Group, Mopoli Raya Group, PT Kutai Balian Nauli, and many others), consulting companies (Daemeter Consulting, Eclipse Green Malaysia), and independent consultants, were all together on a screen via Zoom application. Presented by Dwi Rahmad Muhtaman, founder and President Director of Remark Asia, participants were actively asking questions until the end of presentation. The 1,5 hours talk was indeed went well. Which got us thinking.. what topic should we discuss next?
Just like in any other trainings AiKnow ever held., photo session is mandatory before we part ways. So that you can actually see the faces of these HCS enthusiasts. #sustainingsustainability