And it's a wrap again. 174 people have registered before we decided to close the link only twelve hours after it's being released, and our capacity is only available for 100 people. There are 92 people showed up until the end and not to mention people who are watching the live streaming on Facebook. Thanks to technology!
In this session, we talked about the basic concept of HCV-HCS integrated, although everyone in this field has fully understood this concept, most people in the plantation sector or NGO are still unfamiliar with the terms of integrated. Cecep Saepulloh as Director of Remark Asia and fully licensed Lead Assessor was the one who delivered the class, here you can find the link to his presentation.
It's always fun meeting new people from all over Indonesia and Malaysia. After the event, participants are asked to fill the feedback form and most of them said that we should do this more often! So.. I guess, it's the kind of new normal we would like to have, right?