Land Use Change Analysis is part of RSPO Remediation and Compensation Procedures (RaCP). Land Use Change Analysis is important to overcome the problem of biogeochemical cycles, loss of productive ecosystems, biodiversity, deterioration of environmental quality, loss of agricultural lands, destruction of wetlands, and loss of wildlife habitat. In this assessment we refer to RSPO Guidance for Land Use Change Analysis, revised version of March 2017. The LUCA scope is divided into four periods, for all periods the final cut-off date is immediately after the finalization of the HCV assessment. The periods that apply in a LUCA differ between companies/management units, however the periods that should be added to LUCA are: the date when the company becomes an RSPO member, and the date when the company receives the results of the HCV assessment (becoming aware of the presence of HCVs within its operational area).

Our Method

Ground check for LUCA is currently associated with CSA. CSA and LUCA team (if both are required by the client), are working side by side during field visit. The team of LUCA consists of one Team Leader (Land Use Imagery Analyst), GIS, and biodiversity expert. Liability calculation is calculated using RSPO formula.