HCV HCS Integrated Lead Assessor ALS Training
Asia Institute of Knowledge (AiKnow) by Remark Asia merupakan penyedia jasa pelatihan di bawah lembaga konsultan Remark Asia, sejak 2014 serta mengadakan kelas-kelas online bersertifikat untuk para sustainability enthusiast.
Tahun ini AiKnow by Remark Asia kembali mengadakan pelatihan HCV-HCS ALS intergrated secara tatap muka di Bogor, pada tanggal *19 - 24 Agustus 2024, Pukul 08.30 – 16.00 WIB
DM instagram @remarkasia atau hubungi 082213510911 (Yanti) / 081318028395 (Zhafira) untuk info lebih lanjut.
Since November 2018, the High Conservation Value assessment must be integrated with the High Carbon Stock assessment, in order to avoid mass destruction in forest areas. The assessment should be led by a licensed lead assessor for HCV and HCS.
To become a License Lead Assessor, a person must take HCV ALS Training. Training providers must be licensed by the HCV Resource Network, and AiKnow by Remark Asia is one of them. We have been providing HCV ALS training since 2015 and continue twice a year until now. This training was carried out for five days, including one day of field visits. This training uses the latest guidance from HCVN. Each trainee must complete a pre-test, post-test (pen and paper), submit a mock assessment report. This field visit is needed to practice HCV assessment theory, how to determine whether an area is an HCV area or not. Because the field visit will be carried out in an actual forest area, each participant must bring their own field survey equipment such as shoes, jacket or raincoat, hat, and personal medicine. Submission of a Mock Assessment Report is required 10 days after training, and the scores will be sent to the HCV Resource Network before issuing a unique number to register HCV licensed assessors and lead assessors.